Psychedelics Are The Future Of Neurological Health Problems – Bright Minds Biosciences
For ages, people have been suffering from serious brain health issues. With the advancement of science, humans found a viable cure for mild depressive behavior, which was effective. However, in more complicated brain health disorders, traditional medicine was found to be ineffective after a certain period.
But even before the world was introduced to anti-depressants, SSRIs, and opioids, our tribal ancestors used to cure mental illnesses using herbs occurring in nature. Most popular amongst these are ‘magic mushrooms’ and ‘Ayahuasca,’which are still used by the shamans. The active ingredient in such herbs is also known as ‘Psychedelics,’ which means ‘mind-manifesting.’
Bright Minds Biosciences is a Canadian biotechnology company that deals in the research, and potency of Psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. Experts at this company know that altered states of consciousness (ASC) are one of the best possible ways to rewire the brain. And ASC can be achieved in two ways. Active meditation and administering Psychedelics in a moderate amount.
That’s what our ancestors knew as well, and that’s why the shamans and many other tribes across Asia and Africa still use these naturally occurring substances to cure people of neurological health problems.
Psilocybin Compounds By Bright Minds
Anyone can extract Psilocybin from the shrooms. It is not very difficult to even grow these herbs, given that the area receives enough rainfall. So, what is so different about Bright Minds conducts vigorous research of Psilocybin agonists?
The reason is that this biotechnology company re-designs the molecules of this psychedelic drug. They either add an extra layer of molecules, subtract some, or even change their position. I any case, they aim to increase the potency of the drug and decrease its trip time.
1. Psilocybin agonists by Bright Minds Biosciences have patents for their formula
2. Many of their pipeline drugs are in clinical phase 2 trials with the NIH
3. Their psychedelic agonists target the 5-HT family of brain receptors responsible for mental illnesses such as MDD, Anxiety, Depression, etc.
4. By reducing the trip time, drug designers from Bright Minds Bio increase the therapeutic effects of Psilocybin.
Psychedelics & The 21st Century
Many major discoveries already happened in the 20th century, which is why the year 2000 started an era where scientists could finally research in-depth substances that were approved long-ago were effective for treating neurological problems. But soon, these psychoactive compounds were banned almost all over the world due to their hallucinogen effects.
The 21st century thus marked the beginning of a new era where researchers, academic experts, drug designers, and other science professionals seemed to have enough resources to study these psychoactive substances' actual effects.
After almost two decades, the year 2017 marked the beginning of getting such taboos removed. These drugs were found to have a very good effect on patients with major neuropsychological problems.
Finally, in the year 2020, companies started to go public in the stock exchange, starting Psilocybins' commercialization. That happened due to Canada removing the ban on this specific drug. You can Bright Mind Biosciences listed in CSE under the symbol DRUG.

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